ECS Web shop Link Overview
Table of Contents
This is a file-based integration, provided by ECI Solutions (formerly ECommonSense), that links Merchanter (the ERP system) and their Merchant Turnkey web platform (based on Magento).
How does the link work?
The integration works by exchanging CSV files via a secure FTP site. We export by uploading files up to the FTP site and import by downloading files from the FTP site. The FTP site has the following directory structure :
to_eCS - for files from the ERP system to the web platform
- process - files waiting to be processed by the web platform
- success - successfully processed files
- rejected - rejected files
- archive
to_Merchant - for files from the web platform to the ERP system
- process - files waiting to be processed by the ERP system
- success - successfully processed files
- rejected - rejected files
- archive
Integration Tasks
The link performs the following integration tasks via scheduled jobs in Merchanter :
- Export from Merchanter
- Branch details
- Customer account details
- Product details
- Product pricing
- Stock details
- Customer special prices
- Customer account transactions
- Import into Merchanter
- New web sales orders
- Customer account payments
Branch Export
These are details such as name, address, email and phone number. Only branches flagged as ecommerce depots will be selected for export.
Customer Account Export
These are details such as email address, name, ERP account number (customer code), billing address, ledger balance and price band. The email address will be that used for the sales contact of the customer and must be unique as it will be the key field for the web platform. Only customer accounts that are credit or cash, non-factored, have the home currency (i.e. Sterling) and have an ecommerce owning depot will be selected for export.
Product Export
These are details such as the SKU (product code), sale unit of measure, product description, group and subgroup for categorisation, and box quantity. Only products that are classed as being goods or service, flagged as ecommerce products (SellOnline = true) and have a sale unit of measure that is supported will be selected for export. As the web platform only has one unit of measure (sale), the stock unit of measure will be used for this purpose. Supported units of measure are :-
- Unit(s)
- Sheet(s)
- Piece(s)
- Metre(s) - only to 1 decimal place
Product Pricing Export
These are details such as SKU, VAT rate (percentage) and 5 nett prices ex VAT in the stock unit of measure for the following price bands :-
- Retail Price 1 (the worst price)
- Retail Price 2
- Retail Price 3
- Trade Price A
- Trade Price B (the best price)
There is a link configuration option that determines whether product prices exported will be customer price band prices (UsePriceBands = true) or just simply the base price (UsePriceBands = false). If using price bands, the price bands listed above will be mapped to customer price bands in Merchanter.
Stock Export
This exports the available stock quantity (free stock) and low stock threshold (minimum stock level) for each eligible product and branch.
Customer Special Prices Export
A customer special price is a specially agreed price which overrides the usual product price for the customer. Each record exported contains the ERP account number, the SKU and the nett price for this customer and product combination. Customer special prices are taken from live price agreements in Merchanter.
Customer Account Transaction Export
This exports summary information of sales invoices and credit notes to allow web account customers to view their transaction history. There is a link configuration option that determines whether PDF documents are exported too.
Web Sales Order Import
This imports new web orders as draft sales orders in to Merchanter. This is a dual file type of import where a header and an items CSV file are both supplied. If a payment on the web has been taken at the point of order, details of such a payment are also recorded with the order in Merchanter. If the order is for delivery and there is a delivery cost, an additional item for the delivery charge is added to the end of the order in Merchanter. If the TimberTallies string is supplied for an order line (metric timber only), the quantity method used in Merchanter will switch from total length to spec.
Customer Account Payment Import
This imports web payments made against a credit account as account payments in to Merchanter. Details include the ERP account number, the payment gateway reference, the payment amount and the date of payment.