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This is a file-based integration, provided by ECI Solutions (formerly ECommonSense), that links Merchanter (the ERP system) and their Merchant Turnkey web platform (based on Magento). How does the link work? The integration works by exchanging CSV files via a secure FTP site. We export by uploading files up to the FTP site and import by downloading
Excel Export Template To create the stock CSV file, the Excel export template must be first set up. The template defines the layout of the CSV file. Go to Settings > System Administration > Excel Exporter. Click the Import button to import the template for the NearSt stock export CSV file. The template file NearSt_StockExport.xml (right-click
About NearSt NearSt is a retail technology company getting people back into high street shops. They're connecting every product in every shop worldwide to the web, making it as easy to find something you want nearby as it is today to find it online. Their technology, NearLive, connects to Merchanter and turns raw stock into quality live inventory t
Introduction to Paymentsense Paymentsense Connect is an integrated payments software solution that connects Merchanter to a card terminal on the counter via the cloud. This has the advantage of avoiding mis-keying mistakes and other errors at the terminal. When an “online” card tender type is selected, Merchanter sends the payment amount from the